Therapeutic Techniques
Therapeutic Techniques
Being a Certified Massage Therapist in Indiana, Jackie offers Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy, a type of medical massage. She offers several other techniques as well such as CranioSacral, Raindrop Technique with Applied Vitaflex, Active Isolated Stretching (Aaron Mattes Method), Pregnancy Massage, Baby's First Massage, Balance Work, and other techniques not listed (see about Jackie above).

Other Services
Other Services
Jackie has achieved a PhD in Natural Health specializing in Homeopathy and Medicinal Herbs and offers other techniques outside the massage therapy techniques listed in the "about" section of this website. She also offers Homeopathy and Iridology for humans and animals.

Education Available for You
Education Available for You
Education is a prime concern in Jackie's practice. She is constantly instructing friends, family, and clients. She has several classes that she offers including Homeopathy (8 hours of what it is and how it works and how to make your own remedies), Baby's First Massage (11 CEUs), Basic Flower Essences (4 hours), Active Isolated Stretching the Aaron Mattes Method (16 CEUs), and Aromatherapy (12 hours). The classes that do not offer CEUs can be altered in length.
Current Events/Scheduled Classes
Current Events/Scheduled Classes

What are you waiting for? Contact Jackie today!